Aug 31, 2006

Lego Animation Festival 2006

Lego Clan Trilogy
Youtube Users: 5/5 stars

Lego Clan (Part I)

Lego Clan (Part II)
Lego Clan (Part III)

Genres: Action/Adventure, Comedy, Thriller and Crime/Gangster
Running Time: 06:56 (Part I); 09:08 (Part II); 18:36 (Part III)
Release Date: May 13, 2006 (Part I & II); August 27, 2006 (Part III)
FAFA Rating: R for violence, depiction of drug addiction, and some mild language.
Director: BackyardStudio

A Quentin Tarantino's style movie played by Lego. If you like Tarantino, you got to watch this trilogy! Really looking forward to the release of Coffee & Carnage


The Lego Movie
Youtube Users: 4/5 stars

Genres: Drama
Running Time: 03:52
Release Date: July 28, 2006
FAFA Rating: PG for mild violence.
Director: clint2002n

Schindler's List?


Helden 06 - Soccer Shortmovie
Youtube Users: 4/5 stars

Genres: Sport
Running Time: 01:09
Release Date: April 13, 2006
FAFA Rating: G


Monty Python and the Holy Grail in Lego
Youtube Users: 4/5 stars

Genres: Musical
Running Time: 01:35
Release Date: May 25, 2006
FAFA Rating: G
Producer: Spite Your Face productions

Remember Spiderman 2 in Lego? It is produced by Spite Your Face Productions too.


Youtube Users: 4/5 stars

Genres: Foreign, Action
Running Time: 04:22
Release Date: March 12, 2006
FAFA Rating: PG

Gotta give some credits for how this guy uses lego bricks to manipulate the waterfall! The action is pretty cool too.


Grand Theft Auto : Lego City 5/5 stars
Lego Jaw 4/5 stars
Special Delivery (An unfinished lego movie)
The Lego Chainsaw Massacre 4/5 stars

I hope you enjoy this Lego Animation Festival. See you next year ;)


Just found this kitten war website from WaiHoi. Each battle involves two kittens, pick the cuter one of your choice. If you don't want to be a judge, just check out the winningest kittens. Enjoy!

Aug 30, 2006



Edit: Just found out these key chains are called "Nintendo Super Mario Bros Sound Drop". They are supposed to be freebie at the E3 party or you can get it in Japan for 200yen (according to a commenter from IGN blog). used to have it, but no more:(


I only get 35/100. Failed!

Aug 27, 2006


School had started for a week, but I'm still in the summer vacation mode. I had just realized that I should finish next week assignments by next Thursday because I'm going to L.A. next weekend.

Aug 24, 2006


Today I'm taking a break from my weight-watch consciousness and bought a McDonald filet-o-fish meal for lunch.

Aug 19, 2006

History’s greatest unsolved crimes

I ran across with this article on MSNBC a few days ago and this story really catches my attention.

D.B. Cooper
On Thanksgiving Eve, 1971, D.B. Cooper, the passenger in seat 18E on Northwest Orient Airlines Flight 305 from Portland, Ore., to Seattle, threatened to blow up the plane unless he received $200,000 cash. Cooper collected his ransom at Seattle's airport, and demanded the pilot fly back toward Oregon. Just north of Portland, Cooper opened the rear door and parachuted into the dark from the airborne 727 with 21 pounds of $20 bills strapped to his torso. Neither he nor the money (except for $5,880, found years later along the Columbia River) was ever seen again. The case remains the FBI's only unsolved airplane hijacking.

Don't you think it looks like a movie scene?

I also gain a little background of the upcoming movie The Black Dahlia from this article. Someone's favorite is in this movie^^


星期一睇The Descent
所以星期四再睇Superman Returns

The Descent真係十分驚嚇

至於Superman Returns
睇完Superman令我更加期待Spiderman 3

Aug 8, 2006

To myself and anyone who needs these

Eight ways to raise your self-esteem and boost your dating power
By Steve Nakamoto

-Rediscover and reaffirm your personal strengths
-Figure out the hidden strengths in your so-called weaknesses
-Make a long list of your personal breakthroughs
-Avoid negative comparisons
-Stop the critic inside of you
-Quit blaming yourself for mistakes in the past
-Have more compassion for yourself
-Be your own cheerleader

Full Article


Sleeplessness is the by-product of watching a good horror film at night. This film gave me a lot of thoughts and I can't get them out of my head even when my mind needed to rest.

I hope a glass of warm milk and relaxing music will help me out tonight.

And maybe this will help too?

Aug 6, 2006

My Songs Had Came

四首都我俾掃晒: 花見, 願我可以學會放低你, 夜半敲門, 圓滿


Aug 2, 2006

apple diet failed

Goal: eating nothing but apples for 3 days

History: last time I had done apple diet was in high school and that failed too because I threw up on the second day

Result: it is really hard to work without eating a proper meal. I had struggle until 2pm and decided to consume real food instead

Alternative Solution: eat apples for breakfast and dinner only and trying to get low-fat food for lunch

Aug 1, 2006 (雞蛋仔網絡茶舍) - South San Francisco

可能希望越大, 失望越大

咖喱魚蛋 - 唔夠入味,咬感還可
碗仔翅 - 個湯冇肉味又冇菇味
雞蛋仔 - 外層幾脆,不過裡面未熟透(可能因為D蛋漿唔均勻), 蛋味可以再濃D同甜D
珍珠奶茶 - 淡


Address: 639 El Camino Real, South San Francisco, CA
Tel#: (650) 266-9919
Sun - Thur 11AM - 10PM
Fri - Sun 11AM - 11PM


但係我完全接受唔到自己嘅身型 >.<
