Apr 30, 2007


華盛頓紀念碑 (Washington Monument) 是國家廣場 (National Mall) 附近最高的建築物, 差不多在廣場內任何一個角落都可以看到它, 因此大家都拍了很多柱碑的照片。如果我可以早點去訂上紀念碑頂樓的票*, 我們還可以俯瞰紀念碑四周的景色, 但是我...

*No time and energy to get the first come first serve ticket in the morning after we got there


Apr 26, 2007

Museums on BofA

If you are a card holder of Bank of America and you love to visit museums, you might be busy next month. ;)

Enjoy free admission for you and a guest to over 85 great museums during the month of May. Your Bank of America card gets you in.

Participating institutions in Bay Area
- Asian Art Museum San Francisco
- California Academy of Sciences
- San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
- Yerba Buena Center for the Arts
- de Young Museum
- Legion of Honor

Visit www.bankofamericapromotions.com/museums/
for a list of participating museums near you.

*Offer valid from 5/1/07 to 5/31/07. Photo ID and Bank of America credit card, ATM card, Check Card or MBNA credit card must be presented. Excludes fundraising events and ticketed shows. Free admission limited to cardholder and one guest per participating institution. Not to be combined with other offers.

Credit goes to fatwallet.com

Apr 19, 2007


白宮就在我們食中午的餐廳附近, 所以順理成章成為我們的下一站。 當我在西北賓夕法尼亞大道(Pennsylvania Avenue NW)上看到白宮時, 第一個感覺是這座"白宮"好像跟我平常在電視上看到的不一樣, 而且外貌與一般官邸無異 (其實那是白宮的北面)。 過了一會我才發覺我們心目中的白宮應該在背面 (南面)。 可是當天我們沒有時間繞到另一邊去看看。


看不到白宮的南面我當然不甘心。 到了行程的最後一天我們終於有空一睹白宮最為人熟識的一面。 不過白宮南面的草地很大, 我們只能從遠處的圍欄後"遙望"這座總統的居所。 相對下白宮北面是比較親民。



Apr 17, 2007


一直都很想去首都華盛頓賞櫻花, 所以半年前用了快要過期的信用卡積分換這次旅行的機票。 可惜今年的櫻花提早了盛開, 出發前從 Web Cam 裏已看不到粉紅色的花海, 心情冷了一截。 幸好華盛頓還有很多值得一去的地方。 當我在整理行程表時, 漸漸發覺想去的景點實在太多, 四天時間真的不夠用呢!

最後我們用四天的時間換來以下的足跡, 但還有些很想去的地方沒有去。 等到 National Museum of American History 重開之後, 我一定會再來!

Day 1:
US Holocaust Memorial Museum 猶太人大屠殺紀念博物館
White House 白宮 (North facade) - Lafayette Square
Washington Monument 華盛頓紀念碑
World War II Memorial 二次世界大戰紀念碑
Lincoln Memorial 林肯紀念堂
Korean War Memorial
Tidal Basin - FDR Memorial - Thomas Jefferson Memorial

Day 2:
Cherry Blossom Parade 櫻花節花車遊行
National Air & Space Museum
US Navy Memorial
FBI Building 胡佛聯邦調查大樓
National Archive
US Capitol 國會山莊 - Library of Congress 國會圖書館 - Supreme Court 最高法院
Washington Monument - WWII Memorial (nighttime)

Day 3:
Union Station 聯合車站
National Arboretum 國家植物園
Washington National Cathedral 華盛頓國家大教堂
Exorcist Steps @ Georgetown 喬治頓驅魔人樓梯
US Capitol 國會山莊 (nighttime)

Day 4:
US Botanic Garden 美國植物花園
White House 白宮 (South facade)
National Museum of Natural History 國家自然歷史博物館


今天凌晨我終於從風大雨大的華盛頓回來了。 昨天我還怕東岸的風暴會延遲我們回程的航班。 幸好最後沒受到影響, 平安回家。

Apr 9, 2007



Apr 3, 2007

High Speed Rail System in California

The planned high speed train link would go from Sacramento in the north to San Diego in the south via San Francisco and Los Angeles, covering a distance of 1,100 kilometres (683 miles). The time of the trip between San Francisco and Los Angeles would be reduced to two and a half hours.

It is nice to have a high speed train to connect the major cities in California, but how are we going to fund the project? I don't want to see another bond measure on the ballot next time around.

Source: Yahoo! News

買得多, 慳得多

有時D超市減價時好鐘意氹人買多幾件, 例如定個價錢做 2 for $2, 3 for $5...等等。 嚟咗美國咁耐, 前幾年先知道原來喺某D大型連鎖超市/店, 我可以淨係買一件都有discount。 不過我成日唔記得去到唐人超市通常都冇哩支歌仔唱, 搞到我買貴咗少少添。 :p

Apr 2, 2007

