Jul 27, 2007
Source: 東Touch Issue 629 (Jun 19, 2007)
Jul 23, 2007
KTV Music Land - Milpitas
上個禮拜六終於試咗Milpitas歐化中心間KTV Music Land。如果未去過而住得唔近嘅朋友可以唔駛考慮哩間K, 因為...
- 細房全部都係榻榻米式裝修 (木地板), 冇梳化坐淨係得墊褥。
- 電腦揀歌個menu好差, 唔同地區嘅歌手都放埋一齊, 有時要揭好多頁先搵到D歌星。
- 個咪條線太短。
- Happy Hour (九點前) 每人最低飲品消費兩蚊。 我哋淨係唱半個鐘Happy Hour都要買飲品 :(
- 缺乏新歌
- 同Music Tunnel一樣都要附加10%清潔費
- 細房全部都係榻榻米式裝修 (木地板), 冇梳化坐淨係得墊褥。
- 電腦揀歌個menu好差, 唔同地區嘅歌手都放埋一齊, 有時要揭好多頁先搵到D歌星。
- 個咪條線太短。
- Happy Hour (九點前) 每人最低飲品消費兩蚊。 我哋淨係唱半個鐘Happy Hour都要買飲品 :(
- 缺乏新歌
- 同Music Tunnel一樣都要附加10%清潔費
Jul 19, 2007
Some Lego sets are on sales at Target and of course I can't pass up the good deal. So I picked up 6162 (mosaic) and 5482 from the store.
Made this Moasic from a pixelated picture of the 1 up mushroom, but I kind of cheated because I used bricks that are bigger than 1x1 :p
In addition, the Cafe Corner (10182) set I had ordered online is here today too. This is going to be my weekend project.
I had contributed so much money to Lego this month ~.~
Made this Moasic from a pixelated picture of the 1 up mushroom, but I kind of cheated because I used bricks that are bigger than 1x1 :p
In addition, the Cafe Corner (10182) set I had ordered online is here today too. This is going to be my weekend project.
I had contributed so much money to Lego this month ~.~
Jul 18, 2007
We don't need to go South
When the news of David Beckham playing for the Los Angeles Galaxy becomes official, me and my friend were considering travel to Los Angeles to see the soccer star in action. However, when I look at the MLS schedule today, it seems like all the single-game tickets for the Galaxy home game are gone. I'm not sure if it is the Beckham effect or what, but I'm not too worry about it now because we will get a new Major League Soccer team next year. Yes, the San Jose Earthquakes are back in town!
Welcome Back
News: Lucky Grocery Stores Returning To Bay Area
For years after the Lucky stores turned into Albertsons, I still call the store by its former name. With Lucky coming back this time, will I have trouble calling its new name?
Facing fierce competition from Safeway and other organic food stores, this grocery chain really need some luck.
For years after the Lucky stores turned into Albertsons, I still call the store by its former name. With Lucky coming back this time, will I have trouble calling its new name?
Facing fierce competition from Safeway and other organic food stores, this grocery chain really need some luck.
Jul 17, 2007
Jul 12, 2007
Payment Failed
其實可以用佢母公司旗下嘅電子付款服務畀錢, 但我覺得有點被屈嘅感覺
第二日 clear 咗 cookies 再試.......唔得
repeat *
e-mail 問 support
佢話因為我用proxy上網所以唔得 (我無用到呀~)
其實可以用佢母公司旗下嘅電子付款服務畀錢, 但我覺得有點被屈嘅感覺
第二日 clear 咗 cookies 再試.......唔得
repeat *
e-mail 問 support
佢話因為我用proxy上網所以唔得 (我無用到呀~)
Jul 4, 2007
The one and only Kwik-E-Mart in Bay Area
除咗門面外, 裏面D"裝修"大致上同冬冬嗰度間Kwik-E-Mart差唔多。
D Simpsons嘢俾人掃哂, 好彩我喺另一間7-11買到Buzz可樂同KrustyO's 粟米片。
仲未開盒KrustyO's 粟米片食, 唔知入面係咪真係有蟲同埋釘呢?
PS: 今日去咗 7-11 兩次都俾 Simpsons 搞到我唔記得咗買 Mega Millions 彩票呀 >.<
除咗門面外, 裏面D"裝修"大致上同冬冬嗰度間Kwik-E-Mart差唔多。
D Simpsons嘢俾人掃哂, 好彩我喺另一間7-11買到Buzz可樂同KrustyO's 粟米片。
仲未開盒KrustyO's 粟米片食, 唔知入面係咪真係有蟲同埋釘呢?
PS: 今日去咗 7-11 兩次都俾 Simpsons 搞到我唔記得咗買 Mega Millions 彩票呀 >.<
Jul 3, 2007
What is more severe?
Bush said he had weighed his decision carefully to erase Libby's prison time for lying and conspiracy. He said the jury's conviction should stand but the prison term was too severe.
source: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/19583008
But you know what Mr. President, the indefinite confinement for Guantanamo detainees is way more severe than your buddy's 30-month term.
Jul 1, 2007
Kwik-E-Marts, 緊有一間喺左近
AP Photo
為咗配合新戲 The Simpsons Movie 嘅宣傳, 北美六千幾間7-11將會售賣經常喺 The Simpsons 卡通出現嘅食品, 例如: Buzz可樂, KrustyO's粟米片 同埋 Squishees思樂冰。 另外有十二間7-11仲會化身成為 Kwik-E-Marts....
個idea好得呀! 我一定要去 Kwik-E-Marts 八吓...哈哈
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