Feb 14, 2009

Australian Stamps

I'm no longer an active philatelist like I once was, but I still check out the newly issue stamps if they look interesting. Recently, I learned from a magazine that the Australia Post honored Nicole Kidman, Russell Crowe, Geoffrey Rush, and Cate Blanchett on the Australian Legends stamp series. That's why I found myself wandering in the Australia Post website...

source: Australia Post

I like the idea of putting the portraits of the actors and actresses and scenes from their award-winning movies for the design. However, the Nicole Kidman's portrait is not the best presentation of her beauty.

source: Australia Post

I also like the Australian design for the Love series and the Chinese New Year series (which are better than the American version in my opinion).

By the way, does anyone know whether the Australian stamps are self-adhesive or moist-adhesive?


新鮮人 said...

不知有没有蟲蛀呢? =P

tofufa said...

I left my stamps collection in my old home (HK) also~

新鮮人 said...

我們的郵票都被遺忘了! =(