Feb 12, 2007

It is the weight, not the face

It doesn't matter whose face is on the dollar coin. In reality, most people don't like to carry them around. People like the statehood quarters but I don't think they love to carry four quarters instead of a dollar bill just because of what is engraved on the coin. I wish the government has no attempt to replace the dollar bill with the dollar coin in the future. They claims that it is cheaper to produce the dollar coins than the dollar bills, but once they phrase out the dollar bills, people will just switch to the two-dollar bills and five-dollar bills. They will still need to print more bills in the end. Am I right?


bbj said...

紙幣好,冇咁重呀!上次去lake tahoe,個locker找番d$1coins俾我,我再用依d$1coins時,d人仰話未見過,研究吓係真定假呀!

新鮮人 said...

而家個個都用digital money,
重洗物攞coin咩,係咪? :)

啊澤 said...

they kept pushing the dollar coin for years already

post office, vending machines etc...

but eck... its never popular

tofufa said...

bbj: yes, my bro had a similar experience with the dollar coins too :p

fresh: The U.S. is quite slow in adapting new technology in some areas. They are trying to start a new program similar to 八逹通 now. I hope it will become popular :)

嬲記: Yes, the government often dump off the dollar and half dollar coins at the USPS vending machine. That's why I avoid the machines :p