D廣東話寫到好怪, 文言文又唔知寫得啱唔啱(同埋邊個會用?)
May 29, 2007
山脈 海岸 古堡 (一)
上個禮拜的亡兵紀念日(Memorial Day)長週末, 我和家人去了很多地方遊覽, 差不多在加州中部繞了一周呢!
第一站: 優山美地國家公園 (Yosemite National Park)
聽說每逢春夏的長週末, 優山美地都會有很多遊人。 為了避開交通擠塞的情況, 我們早上五時多便出發, 大概三個多小時後到達。
駛進優山美地谷(Yosemite Valley), 大家的眼光都停留在巨型的 El Capitan 上 - 這座三千英尺高的岩山是世界最大的獨石花崗岩。
Bridalveil Fall 就在 El Capitan 對面, 從我們停車的地方走到瀑布底部只需五, 六分鐘, 那條路也比較平坦。
在優山美地谷內很多地方都可以看到 Upper Yosemite Fall, 但這個位置剛好影到整條 Yosemite Fall。 我們走了十幾分鐘才到 Lower Yosemite Fall 的底部, 如果行上 Upper Yosemite Fall 的頂部恐怕要花上一天的時間。
Half Dome 可算得上是優山美地的地標。 這張是在 Sentinel Bridge 上影的。
中午時份步行上 Vernal Fall 的山路對我這個少運動的人來說特別吃力。 最慘是我忘了帶水樽, 好在路徑上有很多樹陰。 走了0.75英里的斜坡後終於到 Vernal Fall footbridge, 在 footbridge 上只能看到半條 Vernal Fall。 這條瀑布比 Yosemite Fall 和 Bridalveil Fall 還洶湧。
如果繼續沿路走可以到 Vernal Fall 頂部和 Nevada Fall, 但在沒有食水的情況下我還是回去與家人會合比較好。
驅車離開優山美地谷沿著41號公路向南行會經過 Tunnel View, 這兒可以看到 El Capitan(左), Half Dome(中) 和 Bridalveil Fall(右)。 差不多所有來優山美地的遊客都會在此影相留念呢!
繼續向南行會走到通往 Glacier Point 的行車路, 這條16英里的山路到十一月時會關閉直到雪溶後(大概五月尾, 六月頭)再開。 上山的路彎彎曲曲而且很狹窄, 到達 Glacier Point 後還要等位泊車。 但當我從那兒欣賞過優山美地谷的風景後, 我覺得一切都值得。
人家說黃昏時的景色還要漂亮得多, 可惜這次我們無緣欣賞了。
最後來到優山美地南面的 Mariposa Grove 去看 Giant Sequoias (巨型紅杉木)。 我又獨個兒步行了0.8英里到相片中的 California Tunnel Tree。 沿途還經過2700歲的大樹 Grizzly Giant 和倒下的 The Fallen Monarch。
其實這已是我第三次去優山美地國家公園, 但每次都只有一天時間遊覽實在不夠。 希望下次在公園裏留宿, 那我可以遠足到其他景點。
* Official Yosemite National Park Website
* Yosemite Fun - I go here for recommendation. Check out the photo section for beautiful pictures of the park!
第一站: 優山美地國家公園 (Yosemite National Park)
聽說每逢春夏的長週末, 優山美地都會有很多遊人。 為了避開交通擠塞的情況, 我們早上五時多便出發, 大概三個多小時後到達。
駛進優山美地谷(Yosemite Valley), 大家的眼光都停留在巨型的 El Capitan 上 - 這座三千英尺高的岩山是世界最大的獨石花崗岩。
Bridalveil Fall 就在 El Capitan 對面, 從我們停車的地方走到瀑布底部只需五, 六分鐘, 那條路也比較平坦。
在優山美地谷內很多地方都可以看到 Upper Yosemite Fall, 但這個位置剛好影到整條 Yosemite Fall。 我們走了十幾分鐘才到 Lower Yosemite Fall 的底部, 如果行上 Upper Yosemite Fall 的頂部恐怕要花上一天的時間。
Half Dome 可算得上是優山美地的地標。 這張是在 Sentinel Bridge 上影的。
中午時份步行上 Vernal Fall 的山路對我這個少運動的人來說特別吃力。 最慘是我忘了帶水樽, 好在路徑上有很多樹陰。 走了0.75英里的斜坡後終於到 Vernal Fall footbridge, 在 footbridge 上只能看到半條 Vernal Fall。 這條瀑布比 Yosemite Fall 和 Bridalveil Fall 還洶湧。
如果繼續沿路走可以到 Vernal Fall 頂部和 Nevada Fall, 但在沒有食水的情況下我還是回去與家人會合比較好。
驅車離開優山美地谷沿著41號公路向南行會經過 Tunnel View, 這兒可以看到 El Capitan(左), Half Dome(中) 和 Bridalveil Fall(右)。 差不多所有來優山美地的遊客都會在此影相留念呢!
繼續向南行會走到通往 Glacier Point 的行車路, 這條16英里的山路到十一月時會關閉直到雪溶後(大概五月尾, 六月頭)再開。 上山的路彎彎曲曲而且很狹窄, 到達 Glacier Point 後還要等位泊車。 但當我從那兒欣賞過優山美地谷的風景後, 我覺得一切都值得。
人家說黃昏時的景色還要漂亮得多, 可惜這次我們無緣欣賞了。
最後來到優山美地南面的 Mariposa Grove 去看 Giant Sequoias (巨型紅杉木)。 我又獨個兒步行了0.8英里到相片中的 California Tunnel Tree。 沿途還經過2700歲的大樹 Grizzly Giant 和倒下的 The Fallen Monarch。
其實這已是我第三次去優山美地國家公園, 但每次都只有一天時間遊覽實在不夠。 希望下次在公園裏留宿, 那我可以遠足到其他景點。
* Official Yosemite National Park Website
* Yosemite Fun - I go here for recommendation. Check out the photo section for beautiful pictures of the park!
May 21, 2007
幾年前已經知道自己有兩隻向橫發展的智慧齒, 但我一直也沒有處理它們。上星期其中一隻開始發作,牙較痛得不能張開太大,有幾天的時間只能吃粥和切碎的食物 (好像回到一歲時)。幸好服過藥後牙較已不痛,可以正常飲食, 不過暫時唔敢飲可樂。
那兩隻"橫行"的智慧齒都是藏在顎骨裏, 我諗拔齒手術費會幾甘。:(
那兩隻"橫行"的智慧齒都是藏在顎骨裏, 我諗拔齒手術費會幾甘。:(
May 20, 2007
New Santa Ramen location
If you like the noodle from Santa Ramen, please note that they will soon be moving to a new location (they don't know the date yet). Be sure to confirm with their address when you visit next time so you won't find yourself in front of an empty lot. There is a Japanese supermarket across from the new Santa Ramen location. If the wait at the new Santa is as bad as it used to, at least you can kill some times in the supermarket or nearby stores. :p
New Address: 1944 S El Camino Real, San Mateo, CA
My Santa Ramen reviews: 1, 2
New Address: 1944 S El Camino Real, San Mateo, CA
My Santa Ramen reviews: 1, 2
May 15, 2007
The Exorcist Steps
(DC trip continue...)
I'm not too crazy about the movie, but I'm kinda obsessed with the Exorcist Steps. That's why I made a trip to Georgetown to see the Steps.
Exorcist House @ 3600 Prospect Avenue - I wonder if the people who live in this house like the movie or not.
P.S. Watched the Exorcist (new version) again after returning from the trip. I like the original version better!
Info from MovieLocations.com
I'm not too crazy about the movie, but I'm kinda obsessed with the Exorcist Steps. That's why I made a trip to Georgetown to see the Steps.
Exorcist House @ 3600 Prospect Avenue - I wonder if the people who live in this house like the movie or not.
P.S. Watched the Exorcist (new version) again after returning from the trip. I like the original version better!
Info from MovieLocations.com
May 9, 2007
May 8, 2007
Gardens in Berkeley
Mom is leaving the country soon. It is my mission to bring her to more gardens so she can take TONS of pictures of flowers.
I didn't know there is a rose garden in Berkeley until I accidentally found it on the web. Right now (the month of May) is a good time to visit the rose garden. Admission is free ^^
Is this the only rose garden in the Bay Area with a bay view??
When the wind was blowing, the smell of roses filled the air.
Address: 1200 Euclid Avenue, Berkeley CA (right across from Codomices Park)
The second garden we visited is the UC Berkeley Botancial Garden. This place is located on the hillside and housed a vast collection of plants from different parts of the world.
I should had bring a water bottle and an umbrella along. I felt very thirsty after walking up and down the slope under such a hot weather. There are only two drinking fountains in the garden. I couldn't find one of them so I needed to walk back toward the entrance for the other one. Also, the vending machine in the garden only takes dollar bills and I didn't have any. :(
Other than the water issue, it is quite fun to hike around the garden.
Directions to the Botanical Garden
I didn't know there is a rose garden in Berkeley until I accidentally found it on the web. Right now (the month of May) is a good time to visit the rose garden. Admission is free ^^
Is this the only rose garden in the Bay Area with a bay view??
When the wind was blowing, the smell of roses filled the air.
Address: 1200 Euclid Avenue, Berkeley CA (right across from Codomices Park)
The second garden we visited is the UC Berkeley Botancial Garden. This place is located on the hillside and housed a vast collection of plants from different parts of the world.
I should had bring a water bottle and an umbrella along. I felt very thirsty after walking up and down the slope under such a hot weather. There are only two drinking fountains in the garden. I couldn't find one of them so I needed to walk back toward the entrance for the other one. Also, the vending machine in the garden only takes dollar bills and I didn't have any. :(
Other than the water issue, it is quite fun to hike around the garden.
Directions to the Botanical Garden
May 4, 2007
May 2, 2007
May 1, 2007
新聞: 加拿大人身後事環保
未看這段新聞前我不知道傳統土葬及火葬會對環境造成傷害, 希望我死後會躺在環保棺木裏吧!
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