Nov 13, 2006

Audio Cassette Cleaner

Sooner or later I will need to buy one; unless my car got destroyed in some ways :P


bbj said...

仲有Audio Cassette?係香港搵唔到啦!

Anonymous said...

Cassette player?
物d新歌仲會出cassette version咩?

tofufa said...

bbj: yes, I'm very low-tech...I might be the only HKese who is still using a cassette deck :(

fresh: No, I'm using a tape adapter to connect a discman to the cassette deck.

HanaMaru said...

You hooked up discman to the cassette deck? Wahahaha....同badtz一樣啊~~~

tofufa said...

hana: Thank you for telling me that "I'm not alone"...hahaha