Oct 5, 2006

Guns for the teachers?

Wis. lawmaker wants teachers to carry guns

MADISON, Wis. - In the wake of school shootings in Wisconsin, Colorado and Pennsylvania during the last two weeks, a state legislator says he plans to introduce legislation that would allow teachers, principals, administrators and other school personnel to carry concealed weapons.

So a nut guy runs into the school with a gun and then the teacher fires a few shots; nut guy downs, kids are safe. Just that simple and easy? No other risks; no side effects? I know everyone is upset about the recent school shootings, but gun is not the answer!

And by the way, I smell gun maker lobbyist~~


冬冬 said...

yeah, that's so stupid. I'm totally oppose to guns... even having one for hobby is stupid, what's so fun about shooting things? :(

tofufa said...

agree, not to mention there are people who put guns into bad use. Even keeping one at home is not a good idea. The kids might find it.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

sigh!!! that's how weapon industry makes money.
why dun lawmakers control the number of gun in the community instead???
isnt it they want everyone carrying gun on the street, like back to old western era?

btw long time no see
how are you???

tofufa said...

fresh: Yes, some politicians never learn from the history or they just care about their own benefits.

3d: hai lor. Did they ever question why those guys got guns in the first place? They are attempting to solve the problem by bringing in more problems.

I'm fine ar. How you like your new school so far?